Series sioph media Series sioph media

Orphan Black: Echoes

Orphan Black: Echoes has potential, but it lacks the strength of its predecessor. Sometimes it seems like the twists take a little longer to reach their destination but its strengths lie in the latter half of the season. Orphan Black: Echoes has a more compelling plot when it concentrates on the ethical ramifications of the revolutionary science and does enough to stand on its own.

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Series sioph media Series sioph media

Interview With A Vampire, Season Two: Review

Interview with the Vampire is a visual masterpiece that carries multiple perspectives that leans hard into a theatrical nature, and carries masterful performances all around. Revelations are built up with expert precision, but with possible twists hinted throughout to grip and entice book readers while promising to give much more. The new cast brings a new life that perfectly complements the existing stories and roles, particularly those of Delainey Hayles and Ben Daniels.

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