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A Botanist's Guide to Society and Secrets Review

A Botanist's Guide to Society and Secrets skilfully portrays the challenges faced by a woman in a male-dominated profession in the 1900s without compromising Saffron's character. However, the pacing of the book may disappoint mystery lovers, as progress on the main tasks is delayed by sub-plots. Overall, A Botanist's Guide to Society and Secrets offers an enjoyable read, but its pacing may leave readers wanting more.

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Neferura: Book Review

Neferura, the daughter of Egypt's renowned female pharaoh, is a forgotten piece of history. Malayna Evans tells her story in three parts, focusing on her internal struggles and uplifting female friendships. However, the story lacks substance and pacing issues, making it feel like it was intended for a younger audience. Improving with elements like dark fantasy or magical realism could elevate the story.

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