Series sioph media Series sioph media

The Second Best Hospital in the Galaxy: Review

The Second-Best Hospital in the Galaxy had potential to be a big hit like Amazon’s other animated series, but lacks personality due to repetitive humour. Despite its flaws, Culkin and Rudoph's characters and interesting patients lift the show out of mediocrity, but not enough to engage its viewers. The Second-Best Hospital in the Galaxy is an easy watch, but has nothing of comedic or storyline substance.

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Series sioph media Series sioph media

Scott Pilgrim Takes Off: Review

Scott Pilgrim is back, but in this anime style, to bring a fun-filled watch that focuses on the evil exes to solve a mystery that runs throughout the series. Each episode is like a different genre that provides background for the exes and Ramona and stays true to the vibe of the comic and movie. The returning cast from the movie gives the series a nostalgic hit, and everyone brings their top game to the anime.

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