Series sioph media Series sioph media

Batman: Caped Crusader Review

Batman: Caped Crusader will be a treat for fans of the nostalgic style of the 90s animated series, but the plot offers nothing compelling to excite viewers. At times, Batman: Caped Crusader struggles to find its audience, often focusing on more adult themes but then reverting to a more classic style.

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Series sioph media Series sioph media

One Day: Review

A beautifully told tale that is about a close friendship filled with yearning, love and resentment at times. While the big moments in life are never seen, the characters' growth and adapting to life shapes the story in a way that will leave you engrossed and aching.

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Series sioph media Series sioph media

Percy Jackson and The Olympians : Review

A true adaption to the books that brings to life the characters with perfect casting in all areas. Complex themes and relationships are explored between the demigods and their parents as well as effortlessly combining the mythical and modern worlds. Viewers of all ages can enjoy this series without reading the book and still be enthralled in the world.

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