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An Academy for Liars

An Academy for Liars' plot structure, forbidden student-teacher relationship, and lack of chemistry between Lennon and other characters hinder reader enjoyment and immersion into Drayton College's mysterious world.

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The Ravenswood Witch

Jenni Keer's novel The Ravenswood Witch is a character-driven story that seamlessly blends different perspectives, creating a captivating atmosphere. The story explores themes of good and bad, forgiveness, and the need for trust and love. Despite being a quick read, it is an enjoyable and thought-provoking read for the autumn season. Keer's ability to create a unique and captivating world adds to the overall experience.

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Medusa’s Sisters: Review

Medusa’s Sisters show each sister with their own distinct personalities and aspirations that make it easy for any reader to connect with. It’s a brilliant, heart wrenching story and given it is only Bear’s debut novel, Medusa’s Sisters will leave readers eagerly awaiting Lauren J.A Bear’s next book.

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School For Good Mothers: Book Review

The School for Good Mothers falls short in addressing society's unfair expectations on mothers, focusing on emotionally charged scenes and a safe ending. The story lacks emotional depth and impact, highlighting the devastating impact of one bad day on characters' lives.

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