review, Series, amazon sioph media review, Series, amazon sioph media

Gen V: Review

Gen V lives up the hype of its parent show but is able to prove it itself from the first episode. A rich, fun and wild ride that showcases young superheroes dealing with societal and personal pressures with signature blood-soaked shocking moments, it is a wild ride that deserves more than one season.

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review, series sioph media review, series sioph media

Men In Kilts: Season 2 Review

Sam Heughan and Graham McTavish set out on a perilous trek through New Zealand in order to explore the nation's action-packed culture and geography. The on-screen banter between Heughan and McTavish feels natural thanks to their on-screen connection throughout the entire series. Their exciting exploits, meanwhile, can occasionally be overshadowed by the constant allusions to his television series Outlander.

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review, theatre, Movie sioph media review, theatre, Movie sioph media

Titanic The Musical Review

Titanic: The Musical struggled with its identity and main characters that lacked any charm with performances that had run out of energy, nearing the end of the tour and the night's performance. Most of the cast had little effort and ones that had talent and gave it their all were underutilised.

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