series sioph media series sioph media

My Lady Jane: Review

While My Lady Jane is an alternative history, adding the fantasy element of the Verity vs Ethians and how this all came to be added an interested backdrop that elevates the show into something more than a comedic piece. Sometimes My Lady Jane can struggle finding its balance between the comedic and dramatic, but that doesn’t take away from it being an enjoyable watch.

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review, series sioph media review, series sioph media

Men In Kilts: Season 2 Review

Sam Heughan and Graham McTavish set out on a perilous trek through New Zealand in order to explore the nation's action-packed culture and geography. The on-screen banter between Heughan and McTavish feels natural thanks to their on-screen connection throughout the entire series. Their exciting exploits, meanwhile, can occasionally be overshadowed by the constant allusions to his television series Outlander.

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